The Rwandan government is set to release a report on sham NGOs operating in the country, according to the New Times. The report paves the way for what the newspaper calls a “crackdown” by the Ministry of Local Government on all unregistered NGOs in the country. The ministry’s director of planning explains:
“It means there is something suspicious going on. If an NGO is supposed to engage in development activities and diverts the funds to salaries, there is something wrong. If you can’t see the impact on ground, there is something fishy.”
The cynic in me wins out in my debate about posting this: Anyone know how many legitimate and/or international NGOs that last sentence also describes?
On a lighter note, Rwanda wants to legalize medical marijuana. It has been suggested, though not in said newspaper, that if healt now hinges on marijuana, Rwanda needs to get its hands on some better weed.