I can’t believe it hasn’t occurred to me to do this sooner. Like every place in which English is not the mother language, the English here can sometimes be funny. Certainly not as funny as my Kinyarwanda–I’m running around inflecting words wrong or simply confusing vocabulary, trying to negotiate the price of a moto ride down from 700 and accidentally offering 5,000, or trying to ask for a chicken and being offered a basket.
But still, some of these things deserve note. Like, “Wishing blessings all over you.”
More to come.
well, you wouldn’t want your big toe to be missed and then WHAM! it’s broken or gone. you never know!
“Wishing blessings all over you” I like that! Maybe it’ll work so you don’t end up paying $50 for a moto ride …and you might get a basket of chickens too!