I think I figured out the RSS feed, which is the way-hipper answer to subscribing to a blog than subscribing by email. You know, for the jet-setting, under 35, not-as-dumb-as-this-author crowd. So if you prefer to keep up with this by RSS feed, I think I have enabled you to do so. And if you’re going, “What’s an RSS feed?” (mom), don’t ask me. Just stick to the email.
Here’s the catch: to get the feed, you have to click on the orange box. If you click on the title, it will just take you back to my home page. I did that about 25 times before I figured it out. I like to call that market-testing, which I do for you, my readers. Aw, shucks. It was nothing.
on the off chance you’re referring to me; i do use RSS feeds (not by email) for everyone but you. I just don’t read them. The joy of RSS feeds by email is that there it is in my mailbox every morning with all my other mail.
Haha, no, it wasn’t you! I’m so touched that you actually use a delivery system by which you usually read the posts. Yay!
oh good. i feel so relieved. i hate being left behind.